Feedback Column Header

edited October 2013 in Brick Owl Vote Up2Vote Down
I just received this message from a customer:

"I would like to leave you positive feedback but I can't find a leave feedback section please could you help"

While answering their question I noticed that the feedback icons column on the orders placed page is untitled. Would it be possible to add 'Feedback' to the column heading to make it easier to notice?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The thing is its not a feedback column, it's an icon column. I'm struggling a bit with making the website "normal person " friendly. There is a feedback link in the order ship email.
  • I'm struggling a bit with making the website "normal person " friendly.

  • I think I've made it more, normal. For buyers I've replaced the icons within actions menu drop down, it just duplicates the stuff they would be able to see if they actually clicked on the row.
  • Oh yeah - I forgot about those referrer arrow icons! I fear that buyers might miss seeing the feedback icons when they go to check that their seller has left them feedback. I'm going into hiding for a while now... :D
  • I will respond briefly by saying I'm aware of that, but I have my own views on feedback.
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