Hi friends! This may be a silly newbie question (I apologize, if so), but I'm a bit challenged trying to figure out how to DOWNLOAD my inventory (and later orders) in such a way that displays the Brickstore Item ID in a stand-alone field.
I know uploads work, else my inventory wouldn't have uploaded. I'm thinking ahead toward my tax payments... I have setup an offline spreadsheet that shows My Cost for every item in my inventory (and later to paste in orders with a macro for when I was going to use Bricklink, which I've since decided to not sell on) using a lookup table and fields in Excel based on the Brickstore Item ID so I can easily show MyCost for every item purchased, since I have to pay state taxes based on the differences between that and the sell cost by item.
The only workaround I can think of is uploading all of My Costs to Brickowl and hope that BO can maintain My Cost down to all decimal points I have it to (it's errr up to 19 decimal points for some individual parts, sigh), and then hope that BO order reports will be exportable or copyable to track this, but I simply don't know that yet since I haven't opened my store yet.
Thoughts or ideas anyone? Thanks in advance and again, sorry if this is a silly newb question!
Sandy (Calibrick)