@RoseZivkovich There are both hobby sellers (no tax/no official billing) and professional sellers on this site. If you buy from a proffesional seller you will get an invoice with VAT amount if the seller operates with full bookkeeping, now depending where you buy, that will either be 0% or the VAT amount from the seller, assuming your school has a regular bookkeeping, you'll be able to recoup the VAT at tax declaration. Technicly it is possible to request a tax exempt, if for instance you are in EU and the seller is in another EU country, then the seller could apply the tax exempt on the official bill if you provide a valid VAT number and name *and* the shippingaddress match the VAT number.
Forgot to say: Should you be located outside the zone you're buying from and the seller you're buying from has a VAT setting, then the prices are already excluding the VAT. For instance: I have a VAT setting, if my potential customer is outside the EU zone, then they see my prices 21% lower then customers within the EU (that's outmated by Brickowl)
If you are intending to purchase from a store that has tax, and you have a tax exemption, you can contact the store, and request that they go into their tax settings and mark your user account as being tax exempt. You can then purchase without tax in that particular store.
Hope this helps