idea for the quote system?


When i receive a quote it's always an hassle to find out what shipment type the customer wants to use.
Would it be possible to implement an option for the user to request a shipment type ?

Kind regards,
Peter from unbrickable


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Quote the cheapest rate, and possibly use the quote note to list other rates?

    In my experience, anyone requesting a quote without a specific note (i.e. "I want it in 48 hours") will want the cheapest shipping possible.
  • We generally advise the best way to deal with this would be to setup shipping methods that apply to the customers that are requesting quotes so they can see the costs upfront. This also leads to an increased amount of orders.
  • He seems to have his shipping methods well set up... but we always receive a couple quote requests anyway. It's sometimes due to minifigs lacking dimensions that can ship as oversized mail (18mm thickness), and the customer knows that.
  • @Lawrence i have put alot of work in my shipping methods and improving the imcrementally. But there are just items which can not be calculated upfront and some customers just like to have a quote before deciding. For these people it would be nice to have a option to select shipping methods.

    @Stragus in general yes but sometimes people ask me why didn't you let me choose how to ship it, thats the main reason to ask this.

    happy holidays !
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