Mismatch in inventory

Hi, just had an order tonight and one of the items (a minifig utensil) was purchased with a quantity of 1, system then said no more in stock. But, when I pulled the order there were actually 2 left in my stack on location. I thought it must be a listing error but when I checked my BL stock which is the master file there are both still there. Not seen this before (or noticed it before) and wonder why the system would have just synced 1 out of the 3 items. Scratching me head here. Anyone have any ideas? Many thanks,


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That's confusing, not enough information.

    If you use BrickSync, make sure to add inventory as described by questions #2 and #3:
    You can check the history of any lot on BrickOwl (tab History), and you can grep BrickSync's logs or backups.
  • Thanks Stragus, I'll check the logs. I always use BL for inventory management (with blmaster on) and then do a blmaster off afterwards. Not seen this happen before and Bricksync has been working perfect. It's just an odditity, luckily in my favour.
  • Okay, BO said I had zero quantity (part 10172) but BL said I had 2. BL would have had 3 earlier today and I'm guessing BO at that point just 1 (I can't explain why). I've done a bl on and deleted the 2 on BL, then added them back, turned blmaster off and they now appear in BO. I'm not great at reading the logs so I guess I've managed to mess up at some point in time.
  • @Pippyblocks
    Sorry to say, but your store is mess... So from my point of view, yes you messed up some point in time, not just once, many times... You do not consolidate and expect you can cope ?
    Just one example: 5 lot's of 'new' black antennas, assuming you might 'sort and store' them together along the way (or worse: keep them stored seperated), how on earth are you going to remember they are from either of those lot's...
    The key to have a 'history' as @Stragus suggests is to know when 'what' is added, increased, decreased by having orders, either on this site, either on BL. That is only possible *if* you consolidate and store the parts in the same location...
    And as a sidenote: multiple listings like that are also 'bad' for business btw, you have 8 of those black antennas, a buyer that needs 5 is never going to find you through 'wishlists' as your max lot is 3, so you'll be somehow excluded from the buyers search... just saying ;-)

    If I where you I would take a break in 'listing' and sort, (re-) store and tune your listings and lot's to have them 'consolidated' (both listing and physical wise), you'll make selling a lot easier for yourself ;-)
  • If you want to consolidate everything as RobErNat recommends, you can just type "consolidate" in BrickSync.
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