I like to keep the store user friendly, but I had an order today, or multiple orders in reality, and the cost of the PayPal fees outweighed the cost of the parts. And I still have to pay shipping and Brick Owl fees. I have very politely contacted the buyer, hopefully very carefully not offended them, because education is important than abuse! But I wonder how many times this happens to other stores and whether a warning message is an option for these situations prior to allowing them to add to the existing order.
I have no solution because my terms provide a loop hole for this sort of thing to occur, but do I really need to punish my customers, and stop them adding items to an existing order because occasionally a person is unknowingly causing harm?
Do our customers need to fear ordering in case we get upset because of the fees?
Or is there a method to educate, without offence, and losing the sales?
Or should I simply hope this sort of thing happens only occasionally?
You can disallow customers from adding to orders, or set an 'order combining fee' to ensure your additional costs are met (I've set mine to €0.50 for example).
I was hoping to avoid charging fees, because I hate to punish a customers who add significantly to an order...I guess I best just alter my terms and conditions to advise buyers that it can create a problem....
I understand where everyone is coming from. But I prefer service support than hitting them with a fee straight away.
I was not complaining, but more putting some feelers out on how people handle the situation. I hate confronting customers in case the message comes across wrong. It is my fault and I assured the customer that I had "allowed" them to add the multiple orders to the shipment.
The client had no idea they was doing anything wrong, and certainly had no intention of causing me harm. They even offered to pay the fees so it is not about the money.
It is more about education, hitting a person's pocket only drives them away unless they understand what they are paying for. And hitting them with a fee could have generated the resentment, when they had no idea what it was for...I expect they would assume it was a service fee for the store, rather than a fee to cover PayPal fees. And I would expect them to be some what offended when they were providing extra custom, - I know I would be!
I have added a few lines to my store site to advise buyers of the issue, and hope they read it, it is good there is an option for a fee for additional items to a shipment, but again what happens when a large order comes through and they want a few more items...I could understand customer resentment when they get hit with a fee after putting a generous payment for an existing shipment.
Just looking to balance small and large, repeat customer and new ones. They all need some TLC to be loyal so hitting them with fees is not the answer I think, though I respect people who use the option as I am frustrated with the shipment profit, or lack of.
And you are going on my favorite list, too!