had a buyer interested in the Friends/Elves horses and though there is a weight dimension to fill in there is no parameters for height, length and width, both horses I had were a little different so I expect that packing would be a little different too. Also how do deal with new items sealed in bags, the large cats and these horses come sealed, therefore there will be some differences between new and used. I am unwilling to remove mine from their bags to match used items. So is there an option to consider?
You can usualy select the un-coloured part from the edit screen and fill in the dimensions for this parent part, which the child parts inherit.
At least thts my understanding of it! :)
Thank you, I have done as you have suggested and added the dimensions in at that location. Hopefully this will resolve the issue on the adult horses on all friends and elves...still have to do the ponies I think.