I recently placed my first order on Brick Owl and right after I was offered to update my wishlist accordingly (by removing ordered parts or updating the amount), which is great, but I prefer to do that only after I have received my ordered parts. I wish there was a way to do this by visiting my list of placed orders and automatically update my wishlist from there:
I suggest adding a check box for each ordered part, so that the buyer can choose which parts to update (or all parts at once) the wishlist for. Afterwards, the checkbox should probably be disabled.
Or is there already a way that I have missed?
This would be very useful, maybe a similar set up to how you can currently see if a store has items in any of your wishlists on the store page could be built in to the order summary screen showing any items on a given order that are linked to your wishlist and the ability to remove them from there.
I can of course do it manually, but since some of the functionality seems to be in already, I thought it could be useful to have it available also after having received an order.