Dimensions on these are off for some reason.
Are stud/brick heights being taken and translated to MM to determine things?
Anyway my issue; these panels (New style # 1,2,3,4....) are showing up as to big to be shipped under 2 cm so I knew something was up.
Panel Fairing # 4 Small Smooth
Dimensions: 5.5cm x 2.4cm x 2.3cm
Stud Dimensions: 7 x 3 x 2
Real Dimensions
5.4 x 2.4 x 1.5
If all dimensions in studs that looks real close.
2.3 cm is close to two bricks high plus the stud?
Regardless, before I asked to change them I would ask if is an auto calculation that can be fixed, or some reason they are the way they are before I spend the time.