Please provide a way to opt-out of receiving unsolicited coupons, or at least the email that is trigged by them. I received an email at 2.32am this morning because the same store sent yet another unsolicited coupon. Not happy being woken by an email alert on my phone (which admittedly I usually turn off overnight, but still...).
I also think they are a great marketing tool, but can appreciate that sending the coupon could annoy some customers as above. Last thing I want to do is convince a customer I dislike them by sending them a coupon they do not want. However in light of the above comment, I think I will adjust my terms too and not send them out after sales.
Always good to hear gripes from customers, though. :)
Plus some monthly quota of extra coupons for non-customers? Based on some formula that depends on the store's monthly orders?
It could be a good idea to consider implementing something along those lines.