x available from x.xx


just curious, i was looking up a kit this morning (10246), and it said 25 available from £66.26, but if i view all available it has the correct qty (25), but the cheapest is 129.xx; this maybe an old issue but wondering where the £66.26 comes from.



  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I too have noticed this on listings and wondered why it happens. Thanks for asking the question - hope someone can provide the answer!
  • Perhaps you have the filters set to only show sellers from a particular country? Change them to all. Maybe also New/Used is an issue?
  • @Hoddie Thought of that but as far as Tia's example above is concerned I have any condition and all countries selected. Also I have allowed for fluctuations in currency exchange rates, and it still states from £66 (ish) when the cheapest listed is £129 (ish). The only other clue is in the price history which states a slightly different quantity for sale than visible (both new and used). Could it be that the £66 set is one in a store that is currently not 'open' but has been recently?
  • This is because those 25 are from stores that does ship to you, and there are 2 that don't and probably one of those 2, that does not ship to you (that is why it is not showing in your list but you see it in the price history), has that item at that price.

    I would suggest @Lawrence to change this and show "X available from " starting with the cheapest store that does ship to you.

  • as above, i have displayed from all countries .. if i count up the number of sets available across all shops it matches the x part, but the lowest price is not shown ..
  • just re-read the thread, as stated, x should be the qty from shops which do ship to the viewer, and £y.yy being the lowest value of x
  • I've noticed this glitch as well on frequent bases and figured out it is due to things being present on the website (= listed) but not available to the public, either as the shop moved it to stockroom, either because the shop is closed. The 'quantity for sale' available to the public is correct, but for some odd reason BO keeps showing that 'lowest' price for (quite) a while, it does eventually get removed, not sure when however, maybe a weekly or monthly maintenance purge? Maybe @Lawrence can look into this so that this glitch can be dealt with.
  • A fix has been put in place, it happens when the cheapest store does not ship to your country so the store is not shown in the list of stores below. Thank you for bringing that to our attention.
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