Refund/Cancel Order Confusion

I received an order for £39 but the customer wishes to cancel. I haven't processed or shipped anything so I'm fine with the change of heart - if that's what it is.
However, the customer has filed a resolution with PayPal saying that they have paid by other means. It needs my verification but if I give it, the refund will be issued direct from PP not through Brickowl. I'm not sure what to do? Cancel here and verify with PP? Or just refund here at BO?

Help much appreciated. Many thanks.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • When cancelling or refunding via BO you can uncheck the option to automatically process the refund through PayPal so you should be able to do both.
  • Thank you Lawrence. Have sorted now... I think. Though I left the box ticked in error. I realised the mistake before I sought to refund direct at PP.
    The odd thing is that PP haven't taken the money that was on hold (due to customer filing a resolution) and returned it to the customer. Instead PP released the monies to me?? And the resolution says they found in my favour. I'm guessing that's a basic PP process and the payment will eventually reverse?
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