Earlier in July I setup and started a BO store from scratch (synced from my BL inventory).
That went fine and then had some vacation time.
Back at it now I went to try out some of the management and evaluation commands. Most are giving back errors for me, though syncing is working fine. All the general commands I've used work fine (status, sync, verify, help, about). For those I'm getting perfect sync messages or appropriate responses. The main bsx inventory file obviously has my inventory and I see downloaded bsx files of BL orders.
blmaster seems to be fine, on then off, though I have not done a part upload on BL to fully verify.
As an example of errors, if I use the evaluation command: evalpartout 10234
I get:
COMMAND: evalpartout 10234
INFO: Fetching inventory for "10234-1".
ERROR: We failed to fetch inventory for "10234-1".
ERROR: Usage is "evalpartout SetNumber [EvalSetInv.bsx]".
Or if I try loadnotes (I created a bsx file in the bricksync directory for a single Pretzel part with a modified remarks field):
COMMAND: loadnotes Pretzel.bsx
ERROR: We failed to load a BSX file at path "Pretzel.bsx".
INFO: Current working directory is: "/Users/chrisgxxxxx/bricksync".
The Pretzel.bsx file is in the same directory as the main bricksync.inventory.bsx file.
I'm on OSX 10.9.5
Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated.
Cosy Bricks
but sounds like you have it in
Can't help with evalpartout, not a command I've ever used :) Good luck.
evalpartout and evalset haven't worked for quite a while now (ever since BL changed something). Stragus has been aware of it since the end of December last year.
@Hoddie Oh geez, you're right! I was so focused that everything else was in the data directory I was completely blind in ignoring the actual text. loadnotes works fine with my test file actually in just ./bricksync
@BrickGenie Thanks, good to know. I read back a ways in the Third Party Tools category and didn't see that evaluation commands stopped working.
As a workaround you can still use 'evalinv'. So you can import a set into BrickStock, save it as a bsx and then run eval. Bit annoying but it works.
High on my to-do list is better set evaluation, esp. figuring out a way of breaking out minifigs to see as a percentage of value. Obviously I can do this slowly/manually in BrickStock, but an automated method would be cool. Something I could use quickly on my phone would be even better. ;-)
The basic percentages of inventory overlap is helpful too.