Shipping Options missing at checkout (but for only on customer)

One customer of mine has contacted me. They have an issue at checkout that it will only show "Pick Up" as an option and none of the other shipping options such as parcel show up. Other customers have been order fine that I know of.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It could be that the customer is ordering an item that have dimension/weight falling out of your ranges for shipping choices or an item that is missing dimension/weight and there fore can't have automated shipping.
    Check and at the bottom left, you will see items in your inventory missing data (dimensions, weight and much more)
  • With the way that your shipping methods were set up, the request a quote method would never be shown, because the local pickup method would always be available. I have updated the code so that the request a quote method will be displayed even when there is a pickup method available. It also looks like you have since updated your parcel option so that should now show up for the customer.
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