Big cats

Appear to be the same mold with different colors. However they are not associated with each other. Also the "big cat" has a color associated with it's entry that does not exist. I'm not sure how to fix these errors in the catalog. Could anyone point me in the correct direction?

Also a step by step instruction on how to associate the BL coding with the BO, because I can't figure that one out either.

Once I learn once, I'll help more!!!



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm guessing something was done about it already because the second link doesn't lead anywhere.

    As for associating the BL ID:
    - click on the item's Edit tab
    - go down to the "ID Numbers" section (or click the "IDs" link at the top of the tab)
    - select "BL ID" from the dropdown, and input it in the textbox that shows up
    - click the "Submit for Approval" button at the bottom of the page

    Approval might take a few days, depending on the admins' availability.

  • It looks like they are currently setup correctly as they are two decorated items, but there is no "undecorated" cat to link them. The incorrect colour can just be ignored for now
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