After running two stores on here and BL it all got a bit too much after having two large orders on both sites and manually having to update two inventories. I weighed up the pros and cons to both sites, and they both have many merits until i decideded it was time to jump one way or the other and landed here. I'm getting more orders on here and I feel this is the way forward. Hope its the right choice and although I know the complicated old fashioned BL like the back of my hand by now, I like the clean, simple and modern feel of BO.
Long live Brickowl! Cheers!
Since landing here myself, I was getting twice the orders, so it was a no-brainer.
However EVEN if that wasn't the case, I would have stayed here, one reason - the (again IMO) - illegal actions of the owner of the other place taking the database out of public domain.
All the best Graham