Hi All
Im New to Brickowl and have added over 160k parts in nearly 5000 lots. I have had a couple of small orders which is great, thanks to those guys you know who you are.
I still have quite a lot of tweaking to do and figuring out all the settings.
Id really appreciate anyone popping by and giving my store the once over and if you have any CONSTRUCTIVE feedback that would be awesome.
Many Thanks
*NOW WITH A 15% DISCOUNT OFF ALL ITEMS ACROSS THE STORE. offer ends monday 29th @ 23:59.
Your terms state: I WILL NOT be responsible for lost packages that you choose not to insure - this is not legally unenforceable.
Paypal, your customers debit or credit card provider, the Consumer Rights Act, Stripe and the Consumer Contracts Regulations disagree with you.
http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/index_en.htm gives a good overview of your customers rights.
Thank you for that I shall have a good read of the link and change accordingly. These acts can be quite mind boggling.
Many Thanks
I haven't had one order loss here yet, so it's not a big deal.