1 issue, 1 request

Searching in the "Orders Placed" page doesn't work at all.

Request: Can you please mass-mail all the stores to do something to make it easy to know when receiving a package which store/order the package belongs to? It's really painful to have accumulated a couple dozen or more orders to sift through and the package only has the person's personal name or an old store name (not one used here), no order # on package, no order # in package, no printed pick sheet associated with the order. Since I know you can't control store behavior, MAYBE what might help is:

- Include the tracking number in the sortable/searchable list
- Make sure search works on the "Orders Placed" page

I'm not sure if the search only works on the displayed data or if it can search the content of an order as well, but if it can search the content then being able to at least search the tracking number without any other changes would help.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Could you please clarify when you say that the search doesn't work at all? I have just checked and searching for a tracking number does seem to work. You can also search for the contents of an order, by name or ID numbers etc
  • Yes, using Safari on OS X El Capitan if it matters. I have over 200 orders. I click to go to the "Orders Placed" page. I click into the "Search:" field right above the list. Nothing I enter filters the results down, not even the name of stores which are clearly visible. The search behaves fine everywhere else - I'm familiar with the JavaScript framework being used on the site & it works well enough everywhere else (mostly on the visible text returned to the page from the PHP back-end) but on this page it doesn't work at all. No results at all.
  • I'm afraid I'm not able to replicate this. If I use Safari 10 on OS X El Capitan, and go to the orders placed page, and enter an order number into the search field on the top right, the list filters to only show that order. You may want to try clearing your cookies/local storage in case that is having a negative effect on it.
  • Works perfectly for me on OS X El Capitan Safari
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