Wishlist request

I am a new AFOL and recent user of Brickowl. As a buyer of Lego I generally find the site user friendly; however I have one suggestion as a possible improvement to the wishlist function.
I am currently modifying an existing Lego set by changing the colour of the pieces (to create a different theme). I parted out the set I am interested in into a wishlist. Once there I would find it easier to edit the colour and mold variation in the same way that I can change the quantity and\or condition. Up until now I click on the item in my wishlist, click on the colours tab, choose the colour, add it to the wishlist, then return to the wishlist and delete the original listing. Could a drop down option be included, both for the individual part and as a mass update, to enable these changes to be made quicker and easier? Is this something that other people would also be interested in, assuming it's possible?

Thank you!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I was actually working on just this very thing for myself. Lawrence enabled an API tweak that would allow me to implement this then I got a bit busy. The only downside I noticed is that when a wishlist was copied from one color to another color, if there were no sellers of a particular item in that color (or if LEGO never even made such a part in that color), it still gets added to the database and may create a bit of clutter. I will speak to Lawrence before I implement my tool too widely.
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