Just Curious?

With the new changes to the numbering system and the names will it still be possible to import our stores or will the items not be recognized? If it is possible will deleting our store and importing it again work every time I get an order?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • @Garystoys From my understanding if you delete your inventory anyone with an active cart in your store will lose their cart.
  • From my EXPERIENCE this is the case.
  • My issue then is I have no way to sync. As long as the orders are small I will be able to sync manually but that wont always be the case.

    Also on another note, does anyone know will Brickstore still work for uploading inventory?
  • From http://www.bricklink.com/messageThread.asp?ID=158766:

    "* Compatibility with third party applications: The TOS update should have no
    impact on third-party applications such as Brickstore who can continue to use
    our database as before. However, we will not allow the use of third party applications
    as a way to access Bricklink’s intellectual property for unauthorized use and
    take the necessary actions to curtail such use if we detect it."

    So I'm guessing it's based on the honor system. If you have BL lot ID's attached to your Oct 1 and newer BO lots then, yeah, you're breaking the BL TOS. Can a garden variety BO user find that? Not sure.

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