I have the tendency to throw the same part into multiple stores as I'm building carts up then forget which parts I already bought my needs from. The wishlist feature doesn't really help at the end of the purchase process - I want to keep wishlists maintained without subtracting from them.
So what I decided to do was use BrickStock (in Mac) to track my purchases. It's a little tedious but I should now be able to review a cart before purchasing and know what items I don't really need anymore if I've already gotten enough at the price levels I'm happy with. The main thing that makes BrickStock tedious is that # 1 it's really slow, it's very painful to wait for it to apply a filter when searching specific parts. Secondly, there's no way that I can see to tell it to ignore the decorated items or choose only certain groups part types when searching rather than 1 part type at a time. Also, it's very BrickLink-centric so some parts are hard to find without a tedious name-based search. It would also be nice to someday swap out my own pictures just for my local view. Other than those issues, it's way easier to track with it than without it.
Am I using the best tool, though?