Quantity no longer available... but it is?

This may actually not be a site issue (Lawrence, if it's not, just ignore this thread).

I noticed I will often see notices in my cart that a certain part is no longer available in the quantity I wanted. This is normal if, say, it went from 30 to 20 and I had 25 in my cart. But when it goes to 0 and particularly for a large-ish inventory, when I check the store the part I need is in there and I have to remove the existing entry from the cart and re-add from the store.

I think this has to do with either sync issues or a store will end up with a different ID for that part entry for whatever reason (they decide to re-do the count on their inventory). I don't think stores are actually deleting & recreating lots intentionally, I think there may be a bug with the way people manage their inventory counts depending on the software they use. For example, updating the inventory count outside of sales may, depending on the software, actually delete the entire lot and re-create a new one. This may unintentionally cause people who have that part in their cart to believe the part is no longer available when it actually is.


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