bricksync noob questions

I have some questions about bricksync and starting using it.

Currently my store on BL is empty. If I ran bricksync, what would happen? Does it delete everything on BO then to match BL?

Is it possible to use bricksync to copy all my inventory on BO over to BL?

Sometimes I change a remark on BO when a lot is moved to another location. How does bricksync handle this? Does it change it back so it will match BL? Something else?
How should changes like that be made?

Is BL always the master inventory so any changes should therefore be made there instead of on BO?



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I have some questions about bricksync and starting using it.

    Currently my store on BL is empty. If I ran bricksync, what would happen? Does it delete everything on BO then to match BL?
    I recommend before doing anything with Bricksync is to BACKUP all your inventory on BL and BO.

    From my memory I only had a BO store until I installed Bricksync. When I opened a BL store with nothing in the inventory Bricksync updated to BL inventory form the BO inventory, so I believe it works both ways fine. (Don't hold me on this, it was a while ago) if someone could confirm this. But Bricksync will tell you what its doing and ask for you to confirm the inventory changes when setting up Bricksync for the first time.

    Again BACKUP all your inventory on BL and BO first.

    Sometimes I change a remark on BO when a lot is moved to another location. How does bricksync handle this? Does it change it back so it will match BL? Something else?
    How should changes like that be made?
    I do this via Bricksync with the command “setremarks [BL ID] [Remark]”

    Is BL always the master inventory so any changes should therefore be made there instead of on BO?
    I Upload all partouts with a BrickStock .bsx file to Bricksync. And Bricksync will manage the upload of parts to your inventory on BL and BO. And do all other changes using commands in Bricksync.

  • I will of course make a backup. Just hope I remember to do it :smile:

    Hmm, I didn't think about importing a part out to bricksync. That's an interesting idea. I did read about loading bsx files into bricksync but didn't think more about practical applications of that.

    I guess a lot of this will become more clear once I start using it.
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