Build & disassemble or build & keep?

Each time I make a little building, I don't want to take it apart. My building style is more a sculptural process - I visualize, and then start putting pieces together, taking & putting back, shifting things around, like sculpture. When I'm done, I don't really have a true sense of a "building plan" if I were to exactly repeat the steps and the way I build would be way too cumbersome for doing in any of the 3D programs.

I've seen a lot of web sites & blogs about building in general, but can't seem to find any where strategy of building is discussed that helps me to a solution. The only solution I have right now is "keep buying more bricks" and never take anything apart that took me time to put together.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • My solution for this: after finishing a built I take very good pictures. Taking pictures makes the building come to live even more. I'll keep the pictures and take the build apart.
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