Strategy for some of my part buying... thoughts?

I plan on buying from many places but I've been avoiding sets (except architecture sets) since they have a lot of pieces I don't really want. I am thinking to buy sets and then sell what I don't want. But I'm not really able to put the time to a store business & probably won't send things out very quickly. Would this be a pointless strategy? I don't really care about the sets themselves and doubt many would be valuable as collectibles in the future (who wants to buy Legos & just keep them in the box untouched?)


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It's possible a seller nearby would be interested in your "extra parts"... but note that you probably would have to buy 10x-20x of the same set for the process to be worthwhile for a seller. And you also would have to hunt for steep discounts on the sets.

    Does it still seem like an appealing strategy? :)
  • Not really unless I'm willing to put in the time & also over-buy.
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