How do you find stickers?

Now that I have a system for storing stickers - I need to fill it with said stickers, from a box with many years of these.
Some stickers have a "look" that links it at least to a theme, not exactly easy tho.

So far the stickers I have searched by both the LEGO numbers (design id/ item id) on the sticker sheet itself produce no results.
on BrickLink these numbers show the sheet in the drop down that appears as you type the number in the search field.

These TLG numbers must have been assigned in the BrickOwl database, so why does a catalog search produce no results?

Or is it me doing/not doing something?

Thanks G


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Although BO's inventories mostly come from Lego's servers and are then tweaked/corrected by users, all stickers must be manually added just as over on BL. Most likely the ones you're searching for haven't been added yet. Check the set inventories in question.
  • @Graham
    The ID's you mention should allow you to find the sheets, but as Hoddie mentions, they might not have been created yet, OR are created but with just one of the ID's (BO does not differentiate 'International' and 'North American'), in such case you better search the other ID, then add the ID's of your sheet to the existing sheet (together with the additional BLID offcourse)

    example of a sheet with both series of ID's

    example of sheet that only holds the NA numbers (so missing the 'international' numbers)

    example of sheet that only holds the 'international' number (so missing the NA numbers)

    I've tried to keep up with adding these numbers, but it has been a while due to lack of time... 2014 and 2015 should be mostly ok, but 2016 probably have a lot of missing ID's
  • Thanks both - guess that explains it - unfortunately up until now (since 2008) I haven't added stickers to my inventory - simply deleted from BSX upload - so I have a box of stickers with no clue where they came from, of course at the top will be from recent part outs, many of which will be newer sets.
    Answer then will be start from the bottom (hopefully).

    I guess the question is @Lawrence why don't the LEGO ID #'s come over with the set inventories?

    Cheers G
  • @Graham
    I guess the question is @Lawrence why don't the LEGO ID #'s come over with the set inventories?
    Cheers G
    Can only partially answer that question: Stickers are not a 'part' for Lego (neither for BO) reason they are not in inventories to start with...
    The data however seems to be available on TLG (but I don't know where exactly) as BL admins seem to be able to figure out 'when' there are 2 versions to what region (NA/International) they belong to, so it must be searchable 'somewhere'.
    Maybe it's worth exploring this? @Lawrence

  • BL's distinction between NA/International does not come from Lego. It comes from the people who submit the stickers to the BL catalog. They find the stickers in their sets in North America or somewhere else.
  • @paulvdb
    Yes, most are submitted by contributors, but there have been cases where the BL admins where able to determine on the TLG website which version was which one (as the original submittor and secondary submittor where in the same region).
    The NA/International has already been debated before on BL as it isn't always a clear call: I've purchased sheets that where tagged 'NA' in the EU (and the sellers confirmed they where from partouts). And there are 'tons' of sheets tagged 'international' available in NA as well.
    Can't wait the China plant rolls out *in full*, I wouldn't be surprised they'll have their own printing machines for stickers then, what's BL gonna do then? Add 3 versions then *sigh**
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