Catalog BL IDs not being approved?

Every now and then I go through the owlresolve list BrickSync gives me and I add the BL IDs for items missing those. However it seems some of my edits aren't getting approved even though I'm 100% sure they are correct. For example the BL ID for the die from the Lego board games is 64776 but even after adding it multiple times it won't show up correctly. Same with the antman statuette and some random minifig (parts).
Other BL IDs do go through, sometimes even within hours.

Anyone know why some of them just won't get through?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Could you resubmit any items that you think there are issues with? I could only find one old one that hadn't been dealt with, as well with your submissions from yesterday. Looking at 64776 the issue with that is, I believe on BL they consider it gear whereas we consider it a part , so depending on the system used it may not be able to be linked up
  • Well, that explains the issue with the die and I've also received some emails which cleared up some others. At the moment I can only recall the ant-man statuette which hasn't linked properly. I'll resubmit that one (and about 25 new ones) in the coming few days and I'll make a list of them so I can keep track of them. Thanks for looking into it!
  • Hi there!

    I tried to submit some BL IDs a couple of weeks ago and as far as I can tell they haven't been updated yet. Now I'm quite new here, and I'm not 100% sure I did everything right, but most of them were minifigs, no mold variations or anything weird like that, so there wasn't much room for messing up.

    Can you let me know if I've done something wrong?

    Same kind of thing for items missing weight. I tried to update most items in my store that were missing the weight, but only a few got through. Was there something wrong with the other ones? I used BL as the source of the information, is that okay?

  • I apologise for the delay, we were away and had hoped to keep up with things but a backlog developed. We have cleared most of this and will continue to work on the more complicated submissions.
  • Thanks, running "owlresolve" on BrickSync was down from 83 to 65 when I last ran it, and then I went through a whole bunch of those.
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