Stripe - Expired Payment

I have a Stripe payment that was received while I was on vacation and it has 'timed out'.

I get this message when I try to capture the payment:

Payment could not be captured for order, please capture payment manually. (Stripe Error - Invalid Request - Charge xxx cannot be captured because the charge has expired (a charge must be captured within 7 days). You will need to create a new charge to retry the payment.)

Since the order consists of 92 lots, I don't want to ask the customer to re-enter the order, but I don't see any way to create a new charge or payment for this order.

Has anyone encountered this? If so, do you have a suggestion?




  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • At the moment there isn't a way to handle that situation, you would either need to request the customer place the order again, or send them a PayPal invoice to their Brick Owl email address, they should be able to pay that with their normal credit card without an account. If you aren't going to be able to ship an order out within seven days, you can manually capture the payment from the more actions drop down of an order.
  • The customer says that she received the invoice that I sent from Paypal, but the link that it provided to her does not give her a way to login. She asked if she can just log into Paypal and send it to my email address. Is she able to she my BrickOwl email address?
  • PayPal won't know your BrickOwl email address, your customer will need the real one.
  • Looking at the invoice they received, after they click on the link in the e-mail, it takes them to a PayPal page, where there is a pay now button on the top left, which then takes them to the normal login page. Although it looks like now they are just going to pay you normally to your e-mail address so that should be fine also.
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