I can't cancel an order - site issue

A while ago I had an inventory issue that was my fault which forced me to cancel a few orders.

Anyways, when canceling an order, I accidently missed one of the items in the order during the refund process.
So I went back and clicked refund again and refunded the last item that I had missed during the initial refund.

When I did this it "unrefunded" the other items. So now it says only the one item I missed got refunded. I went and did the process AGAIN. And everything got refunded except the item that was missed then got "unrefunded".

Can someone help me or admin go in and manually delete this order please.
I am trying to make sure all my setting/orders are good to go before reopening my store since I have now fixed all my inventory issues.


P.S. when refunding for a second time, you have to leave the box at "0" because you can't refund more than they ordered. Makes sense. But I believe the second refund makes the system think you have decided not to refund the items so it changes it back and "unrefunds" the items.
Poor person if they are getting e-mails about my attempts to refund the order.


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