Purchasing or Acquiring parts

Hi, I would like to ask on how to acquire / purchase lego parts


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There are several ways to proceed. You can:
    - Browse the catalog and find which stores have specific parts in stock
    - Browse some stores to see what they have in stock
    - Use a wishlist to find store(s) that have all the parts you need
    - Use a global cart to see which stores can best fulfill it

    Just ask if you have more specific questions!
  • I see you joined today, welcome to the community! I'm new as well I have been here since like 3 ish weeks and already made 4 orders worth 150$. Just take you're time look around the site and understand how it works and make either a wish list or look at the global cart. Those are two easy way to acquire pieces (from multiple stores) and always check feedback
  • It looks like using the global cart is a little tedious - is there a way to use it to process what's already in a wishlist?
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