Has the brickowl font got smaller ?

Just noticed that the bo font has shrunk , other wweb pages are niormal , has something changed , i am using a laptop windows 10 .


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You may have zoomed out in your browser, it can remember this for specific websites. If you go to the view settings there is usually a zoom option.
  • @polarbomber
    Holding down the Control key (CTRL) and either + or - , either the scrollbutton (back and forth) of your mouse usually are the cause, at least that's how end up with smaller or larger fonts when I'm doing a lot of keystrokes :-)
  • And that's on Windows 7, so certainly not related to the current Windows version. Not sure anymore when it was it was introduced. Win 95 wow, that's a long time ago... Thinking back for a couple of seconds... heck I started on Windows 3.11 close to 2.5 decades ago (1992) :-D
    I never had much issues with any Windows version, but I also never install new versions instantly, I usually wait a year or 2, by that time they clear all the bugs :-D
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