iOS 7 App

Is there anyway someone can make an iOS App for this site? I would love to just order on the go and check pieces on my phone while not at home. Anyone agree?


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Android, please!

    But I'd rather see the site fleshed out first.
  • Let us ask around...?
  • Also, what would be cool is if we had an app that we could use to scan set barcodes and get instant pricing information. This would be nice if at the store or garage sale and we could quickly and easily just scan it and it would pull up basic price guide info to see if it was worth buying or not.
    Even at worst, have it as a paid app so you are able to keep the barcodes updated and build the barcode list.

    Just a thought,
  • ios its waterproof , lol :)
  • Also, what would be cool is if we had an app that we could use to scan set barcodes and get instant pricing information. This would be nice if at the store or garage sale and we could quickly and easily just scan it and it would pull up basic price guide info to see if it was worth buying or not.
    Even at worst, have it as a paid app so you are able to keep the barcodes updated and build the barcode list.

    Just a thought,
    Do we even have a part-out value price guide?

  • @Loremonger: no ... hopefully it's on Lawrence's list :-)
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