On the 18th, I had a buyer place an order for a single minifigure. Before placing an order, they submitted a request for a quote. Within 5 minutes, they placed an actual order, selecting "request a quote" as the shipping type. I emailed them explaining that they should not have paid without actually having their shipping quote given, but they never responded. At this point they have paid me the $5.xx for the minifigure, but not the $3.25 shipping amount required for us to ship it.
After our attempts to contact them went unanswered, the buyer decided today to file a dispute with Paypal, and then immediately escalated it to a Paypal Claim, bypassing the resolution process completely. What are my options here? The buyer seems insistent on cheating the system in order to get reduced/free shipping, and I'm left holding the bag.
So what should I do at this point? I've reported the issue as a chargeback and reached out again to the customer, but I'm at this point I'd rather refund and stoplist the buyer. However, I'm not willing to accept a non-positive feedback from someone who is committing fraud.
It came up with your shipping cost but also had request a quote option. I selected request a quote and shipping cost went, total adjusted without shipping and I could still proceed to checkout!
Not sure what's going on there, maybe an option in your settings needs to be off?
For now, since I've got PayPal breathing down my back, am I safe just refunding him and stoplisting? The buyer has made it clear that he isn't interested in communicating and his actions make him seem likely underage, so he isn't someone we want purchasing from us again.