We've finally decided to move a part of our business to Brickowl! We've not been happy with all the changes on that other site so we figured that this site may be the way for us to move forward. :-)
We do have a question regarding the tax calculation: How is VAT handled on Brickowl???
We are a small business and we do not have to file for intracommunitary VAT with the Dutch tax office as long as we do not have any 0% VAT invoices to other EU businesses. Our goal is to sell to consumers only. On 'that other site' we have always has the opportunity to make sure that even if a registered business with TAX ID placed an order, we could always charge them the regular 21% VAT.
Since Brickowl will take care of payment immediately (in case the customer pays through paypal), we would like to know how tax is calculated. More specifically we want to know whether the customer having a VAT ID would set the VAT percentage to 0 (which we obviously don't want.
Would love to hear from the admins.
Keep up the good work.