Failed street check from stripe payment

I just had a brand new buyer purchase a fairly valuable item and paid with stripe. The payment was authorized but it said there was a failed street check so the addresses do not match. In the past I would not have worried too much but I recently had an order that was charged back by stripe for a buyer in HK that used the card fraudulently(which was a first for me) so I guess I am a bit more careful than I once was. What should I do? Cancel the order? Send the item and hope it does not get charged back? Anyone else ever run into this and how did it turn out?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There should be a note at the top advising that you can enable address verification on your account so that an order can't come through without an AVS pass. With credit cards it's a case of looking at lots of factors to try and make a judgement as to whether the order is likely to be fraud or not. Usually, a customer can explain why the AVS check failed.
  • Tried messaging the customer but no response. If he does not respond within a couple days (and a couple more messages sent by me) I will just cancel the order. Yes, I saw the note and enabled the address verification and cvc verification to avoid issues in the future.
  • You can notify Stripe via the Stripe dashboard if you have a suspicion that a charge is fraudulent. I would wait with this action until I either heard back from the seller or if he didn't respond for several days. I am not sure if Stripe actually does take action, but it is still a good idea to notify them.
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