Question ... Will I be able to use BO/Bricksync over in England?

Hi Everyone,
I just received some very sad news. My nephew died and I will have to travel to England for the funeral soon. I was wondering if BO and Bricksync will still work from there with a different IP address? Can take my laptop and once there hook up to my sister's internet connection and turn on Bricksync. If i can do this i will only have a temporary shut down of our store while travelling and can re-open it once I get there. Brian (hubby) will be here to process orders etc, but he is worse than i am for his computer knowledge hence me having bricksync on my laptop.
If this is not possible I guess we can close the store until i return to the USA in a couple of weeks.
Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • First off, my sincerest condolences.

    As for BrickSync, the only dependency might be in the key you got for the API at BrickLink. When you signed up for that key, you were asked to put in your outside IP address (the address you have in the Internet). If you put in "", you made that key to work with any outside IP you have (so that one would work in the UK as well). If you put in your actual home IP during this request, your API key will be limited to use from home, and will not work in the UK.

    There is no such dependency for the API key from BrickOwl.

  • Maybe a quick test would be to hook up your laptop to another Wifi (a helpful neighbor, or at Starbuck's etc). If it works there, it will work in the UK.

    On a side note, make sure you have the proper power plugs etc, and that your power adapter can handle the voltage difference.

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