Ability to see if part is on a current order

When picking orders we sometimes notice too much stock in the drawer than there should be for a particular part/condition/colour. We would like to be able to see a list of current unprocessed orders a part/condition/colour combination is required on. This way we can tell if we need to adjust our stock level.


  • 20 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • edited May 2016 Vote Up0Vote Down
    I use BrickSync's findorder command for that, which searches both BL and BO orders.

    findorder 123456789 where 123456789 is a BL Lot ID, displayed as the External ID on BrickOwl.
    findorder "Plate 1 x 2" "Dark Brown"
    findorder Reddish G34

    You can set how many days back to search with:
    findordertime 30
    The default being 7 days.
  • Stragus. This occurs when our product lister is checking stock on existing products so I don't have a BL ID to work with. I need it to work with BL part number, colour and condition
  • I will however give it a go, and let you know
  • I have just tried the findorder command using several different searches and it always finds nothing
  • How are you searching? It looks into all fields. Try something like:
    findorder 3001

    If you sold any brick 3001 in the past 7 days, it will list these orders and the lots.
  • I had an odd search issue with BS just now. Really freaked me out.

    COMMAND: find 3009 black
    INFO: Listing all inventory matches for the search terms: "3009" "black"
    INFO: No result for search.


    COMMAND: find 3009 ack
    INFO: Listing all inventory matches for the search terms: "3009" "ack"
    INFO: Search Result #1:

    ...brought up the 3009 black lot. I only tried the second method because 'help find' suggested the following as a possible search: find 3001 "uish Gray"
  • Ah, the search is case sensitive! :)

    It probably would be better if it weren't.
  • Oh aye, seems obvious now :) Thanks.
  • Stragus: I have tried several combinations of everything, and increased it to 30 days and tried just simple things like searching for Black and Brick, and nothing is showing any results
  • And it brings back the "No results" message instantly, there is no way it has search 30 days worth of orders in that short time
  • @Minifigforlife All right, I assume it fails to list the data/orders directory. What's your exact operating system?
  • Yes it doesnt show the directory. I have recently been forced to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

  • If you look at the history for that piece it will tell you if it's been ordered recently. I use that to check when i have extra stock and to see if the extra is due to be processed in another order.
  • Bumping this one, as it is still causing me pain.

    @Ems Bricks The history works, but if a part is available in 30+ colours and we have empty lots too, it takes a while to sift through that lot. I would like a much easier option, that filters by colour and possible condition too.
  • If you've got the order open and click on the part, then Sell, History. it should just show just the colour of the part you've clicked on.

    I use it a lot as when I part out it some times takes me a week to put away. I can then check to see if a part has recently been added if I can't find it. Or to check stock levels if there's more stock than there should be.
    Just being able to click on the parts history in the order would be better though!
  • Markyd7 - This is for when I find a part that I don't know if I have any orders for.
    RobErNat - We have never printed orders.

    However since bumping this post and speaking privately with Admin, he has fixed the search dropdown at the top of the site, where you can type a product in and search for orders. This was not working 100%, and he assures me that a new fix has been applied to make it more accurate in its results.
  • edited September 2016 Vote Up0Vote Down
    I see. I thought you were picking an order and finding more stock of that part, so wondering if stock was incorrect or if another order has also ordered that part.
  • Sometimes that happens, but this is when we are adding stock, and do a stock take of what is currently in the bin we are putting away in to.
  • Oooh a function likethis would help me so much ! If you have add stock and received orders you cannot check wether the left quantity is correct or not, which is a bit frustrating :neutral:
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