hello everyone,
since we moved to the Houston area I have scheduled a USPS Pick up to my Apartment twice and both times no one showed up.
But I receive a e-mail the next day that the pick up was successful.
any advice?? is anyone else experiencing this??
My regular carrier told me to complain the post office, they game me a number to call when pick-up is not done but nobody every pick up the phone.
I have a good relationship with the regular carrier and she gives me her schedule so I know what to expect.
She also stops by when I do not have a request as many times they forget to give her the pick-up requests on her route...
I wish I have blue drop-off/collection close by, but the closest is 7 miles away.
Luckily for me i have a collection box about 3 miles away, but its annoying to pack 4 kids in a car to drop of only a few envelopes.