A Little help would be Great as i cannot find my inventoryist on rebkable

can someone please list the steps to get my inventory to appear on rebrickable so I can see what all sets I have thus far in my inventory, a little help would be great as clearly I am having trouble with this


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There are two reasons to upload your inventory to Rebrickable.

    (1) So that Rebrickable knows what pieces you have available for sale.

    (2) So that Rebrickable can tell you what sets you can build with the pieces you have in your collection, and what pieces you need to source in order to build any particular set of your choosing.

    Which is your aim?

    If (1) then you need to flag your BrickOwl account as a Rebrickable affiliate. That's all you need to do - Rebrickable takes care of the rest. If one of their users is looking to build a particular set and already has 90% of the pieces in their collection, Rebrickable will show them a list of stores where they can buy the other 10%. If yours is one of these stores then yours will be listed.

    If (2) then you somehow need to upload your collection to Rebrickable. You can do this in many ways. It is possible to download your BrickOwl inventory using a tool written by @Stragus (search the forum for owl2bsx) and you can then upload this file to Rebrickable.
  • the answer is 1, and 2, I have looked extensively and cannot locate the @stragus and cannot find owl2bsx in the forum, is there any further assistance u can give me.
  • or what heading is it under third party issues etc...
  • Here's the thread for owl2bsx:

    That little tool just fetches and converts your BrickOwl inventory to a file in the BrickStore format, which I assume can be uploaded to Rebrickable (never really used that site myself)
  • edited April 2016 Vote Up0Vote Down
    1. Download owl2bsx
    2. Register with Rebrickable and login
    3. Run owl2bsx
    4. Go to rebrickable.com/myparts
    5. Click on "Import from Brickstore parts file (BSX)" and upload the file owl2bsx created
    6. Fill in the form

    That will upload your BrickOwl inventory to Rebrickable for (2). It's a one-time thing. If your inventory at BrickOwl changes and you want it to update at Rebrickable also, you'll need to repeat steps 3 to 6 selecting 'replace' at step 6.

    Note that for the purposes of (1), BrickOwl always tells Rebrickable what you have available for sale.
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