Shopping cart and logging out?

I tend to always remain logged into BrickOwl, but I have noticed something unexpected happen 2-3 times.

I'm in a store and logged in, I can list items from my wishlists in that store. I put some stuff in the cart, I click on "View cart", and the following message appears:
"You have no items in your shopping cart."

I then also realize I'm no longer logged in. Perhaps it's a security measure that I must log back in before placing an order? (since I have been logged in for weeks, presumably)

If so, that's reasonable, but perhaps the message displayed should be more descriptive on the situation and offer to log back in right away.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Ah, you just reminded me of an issue in my own store. I was in my store a few days back and noticed that I had an open cart in my store. I'm sure I had a reason to check something at the time, but since I didn't need it anymore I though I would empty the cart. It showed that I had 12 items in two lots and gave the total value of the cart, but when I clicked on checkout. It said the cart was empty and showed no items. I tried it a few times, and could not find a way to delete the cart. I saw it in my store, but once I went further than that it was gone. Like you, I'm always logged in.
    Anyway, I left it, and just now went back into my store, and this time I was able to delete the cart no problem.

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