Quotes for shipping - Not notifying customer

Good evening! I was quoting a customer shipping charges on their order, and they were not receiving the notification. They then sent payment directly to me. I want to make sure that I am following your terms, and not taking away the % you are entitled. That said, how do I mark an order as complete/Paid, so that can be kept track of, and inventory removed? Thanks.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Although I can see that the customer said that they did not receive the quote, I can confirm that the e-mail was sent to them, and didn't bounce. The customer doesn't need the e-mail though, they can just check out as usual in your store, as the quote is stored against their account and not linked to the e-mail. If the customer sent the payment directly to you, there won't be any order, you could refund the customer and ask that they place the order directly through the system
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