Customer claiming non delivery of 2 seperate orders

I know from time to time parcels go astray but to be honest with royal mail this is a rare exception in our experience. We have recently had a fairly new person to brickowl claim non delivery of two separate parcels send over a week apart. While 1 is possible , for 2 to go missing is a lot less likely. I have done all the usual and checked the address and have proof of postage for both.
I can see that this person has placed other orders with different stores since joining Brickowl. While I am not saying this person has not received their orders it is a rare occurrence. Is there any way to check if other stores have had issues with this buyer ?
Any help/advice appreciated


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Follow the missing parcel process with Royal Mail. While statistically speaking, two parcels to the same address are unlikely to go missing, it might show something dodgy about the customer's local sorting office or even the postman who does that route. The lost mail process might result in some compensation (though won't be a lot) but whatever you get helps cover the cost of refunding or replacing the orders. Don't forget to file a 'problem order' report for each order on BrickOwl, this helps other sellers decide whether to use tracking.
  • I would just contact the other sellers, ask them if they are having similar issues with that customer.
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