What certainty is there that part numbers from 1-999 are accurate? I see a 700 on the bottom of my old 10x20 plate. But what about others? Were these assigned in the early days of Peeron or are these canon? Many of these pieces have been assigned a new part number. Or maybe they were updated internally and received a second part number. Parts such as 554->42446. Since these low numbers seem to start in the Homemaker/Fabuland era, I wonder at their validity.
when an old part comes out again after years, then it's possible we'll find a (new?) partn°.
Partnumbers below 1000 are quite rare to be found, as Stefaan mentioned, generated in 1 old database, then 'copied' by others, I assume for Ldraw most of the early numbers have simply been 'invented' and not based on reality. Obviously when at a later date the same part was used and numbered by TLG, the numbers got reassigned, but some never reappeared, so they just stayed 'as is'.
Thanks for the info! This will be a long ongoing project.