Thank you everyone

Hi Folks,

this is just a little thank you to everyone I have had the pleasure of shopping with over the last year. I really like how Brick Owl works, the shops are really easy to use and quite frankly, I hardly bother going elsewhere now when it comes to buying Lego. Who needs a whole set when I can just ask for the particular bits I want?

Anyway, thank to you all of you great shops for excellent customer service (Mind you, if some of you had seen what I have done with your minifigs, you would probably weep!) this year.

I also owe an extra special thank you to dear Aunty Em of Em's Bits 'n' Bobs. She has dealt with my every peculiar request, found every oddball piece and has done an excellent job in keeping me and my horrific lego adult storytelling project going strength to strength (although I doubt she would really want people knowing that she supplied me with a lot of the bits that I have since chopped up!). So thank you Em, you are a star. Sorry that I am such a nuisance!

Anyway, cheers folks, thanks to the admin for an excellent site too. It is my view that not enough people show appreciation in this world when they find something good and this is just my small way of doing that. See you all next year for more bizarre shopping, usually very late at night when I have creative urge induced insomnia!




  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Thank you for saying thank you, I'm glad you find the website useful
  • edited December 2015 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Thank you for saying thank you, I'm glad you find the website useful
    Useful? Now you're being waaaay to modest and humble IMHO ;-)
    This site, and you as administrator/programmer has every asset, and every tool and every possible 'edge', to not only be useful, but also pratical, great and 'awesome' and most likely, in time, simply 'magical'.
    Sure, still a lot of work (catalog wise), but this site is also only 2.5 years old (congrats by the way, just a week or 2 away if I'm not mistaken), imagine what it's gonna be like 2.5 years from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now ;-)
    Don't underestimate yourself, don't underestimate what your members can do for you, and in the long run, you'll find out you created 'heaven' for people like Janey, (since you've already created heaven for sellers) ;-)

    Cheers, and enjoy the moment members like Janey 'posts', well deserved ;-)


  • Thanks for the mention Jayney, and to your weird and wonderful projects which always make me smile. This site wouldn't be what it is without the buyers so big thanks and thumbs up to all the buyers out there. Hope 2016 is a prosperous one for all xx
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