Need list of all core pieces

I would like a comprehensive list of all core LEGO pieces by part number. That is, only base parts. I am not concerned about decorated variants but pieces that only come decorated need to be in the list. I am also not overly concerned about variants at the moment. If there are assemblies, having the part number for each piece in the assembly is important. For example, did you know that the classic horse is 3 molded pieces? Left, Right and Head. They each have their own number. This is important for the list.

The more difficult part is determining what is a true LEGO part number and what was made up via Peeron et. al. I'm pretty sure that the Homemaker cabinets are parts 1 and 2 for instance (molded on the bottom consistently). I'm not so sure that some of the other 2 and 3 digit part numbers are legitimately from LEGO.

Best case output would be a spreadsheet. Heck, if Lawrence has this sitting around somewhere, maybe that's what I need. Otherwise this may be a programming project with a bunch of if-thens that spits out a csv.

I'd like to use this list to create a physical display. Yes, I understand the size of this undertaking. I just need to know how big it truly is.

Thanks for any helps


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I have a little database merging about everything that BO, BL and BrickSet know (including ElementIDs and DesignIDs).

    If you can do some filtering yourself and if you specify the exact format of what you need, I could probably dump all that to a file.
  • Awesome! Somehow I figured you'd have something to add. :-) I'm 20+ years out of my last programming skills but I dabbled in Python a few years ago. Just enough to write a few local scripts, then forgot everything. I'm probably better at creating Excel formulas.

    I'm specifically interested in the Design IDs as far as they are the mold number. I know that stickers and decorated parts sometimes have their own Design ID. Not interested in those. If physical dimensions are included that would be a huge bonus. xls or ods format would be great, csv would be acceptable as well.

    Er, how big might that file be?
  • You'll still have to be more precise. :)
    If there are assemblies, having the part number for each piece in the assembly is important.
    If an assembly has DesignIDs (if such a thing exists), do you want it listed? Should the constituent parts just be listed independently, or you would also like the inventory lists for assemblies somewhere?

    What about tab-separated values like this? I don't mind comma-separated, but many parts have multiple DesignIDs to be listed.
    BOID BoName DesignID,DesignID,DesignID Length Width Height
  • I assume that DesignIDs for assemblies will be of the nature 1234c00 (for BL) or the base part number or TLGs DesignID from the replacement parts service website. For instance the basic horse is listed on BO with a DesignID of 75998. That's not what I want. It's listed elsewhere as 4493c00. The reason is that it is composed of parts 4493 (left side), 4494 (right side) and what I assume is 4492 (head). THESE are the part numbers I am looking for. Except the head is always a decorated element so you'd never find 4492 elsewhere, just 4492pb00. It still needs to show up. If 4492 = false then 4492pbxx kind of thing.

    Having a connected inventory list of assemblies would be helpful as long as it's clear and easy on your end. Most newer assemblies are of the format 123J4 though. (N.B. these should be catalogued somewhere too but they're not something I need).

    I would prefer that the DesignIDs take preference in their own cells. If there is more than one DesignID I would like them to be in order. For 3001 there are also 3 other DesignIDs. Knowing this might help to show that there are gaps for a reason. For instance if no unique part shows for 15589, I'll know that it probably really is a redesign of the classic 2x4 brick. The BOID would be fine for reference. Year first produced would be super awesome as well. Except for 3001 BO says it was available starting 1979. Bollocks! Maybe 3001 was finally -assigned- in 1979. This part has been around in some form or another since what, 1956? Again, may take some research on my part to clean up and join up classic CA parts with their modern ABS equivalent, if applicable.

    Some of these DesignIDs are still going to take some research on my part. For instance 3005 and 30071 are the same part except that 3005 is the ABS mold and 30071 is the mold for the transparent pieces made of PC. This at least helps me account for that mold number. But not all trans pieces have a separate mold that I know of.

    Another concern is whether or not the DesignID is the true LEGO designation. I know that a lot of early parts will have no mold number on them. But is 202 the real internal part number for the Technic Rack Winder or is that the fan given number to help sort some of the older elements? Yet it seems to me that parts 1 and 2 are the actual mold numbers for the Homemaker cabinet parts, maybe not.

    Then there's another issue where 3795 has a Homemaker variant for the windowsill. But is it really a 3795 or was that a fan given reference? I would tend to think the latter.

    Of course there's the whole world of x123 and bb123. I'll want to know these parts exist but sometimes they may have been redesignated with an actual mold number, sometimes not.

    So here's a sample of what I am looking for:

    3001, Brick 2x4, 32, 16, 9.6, 771344, year
    3002, Brick 2x3, 24, 16, 9.6, 462227, year
    3005, Brick 1x1, 16, 16, 9.6, 656416, year
    15589, Brick 2x4, 32, 16, 9.6, 771344, year
    30071, Brick 1x1, 16, 16, 9.6, 656416, year
    54534, Brick 2x4, 32, 16, 9.6, 771344, year
    72841, Brick 2x4, 32, 16, 9.6, 771344, year

    Given the potential size of this file, it would more appreciated if it could be broken into multiple files based on the DesignIDs. So 3000-3999, 4000-4999, x1-x999, etc.

    I'm sure there are more fine details to consider but I hope this helps with what I am looking for.

    How could I compensate you for this effort?

    Thanks, Brian

  • Sorry for the delay Brian, I'll get around to it soon. :)

    The last few days have been totally crazy at the main job (even over the week-end!), due to some important meeting/demonstration this week.
  • No worries, this doesn't need to be done before (US) Thanksgiving! :-)

    I figure it's quite daunting anyway what with the consisinconsistencies in part numbering across the LEGOwebs.
  • edited November 2015 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Sorry for the delay, there's no excuse for something that's 10 lines of code. :)

    Then again, I realized there were a few issues with this quick list. For example, the horse you gave as example (BOID 75998) has no known inventory in any database; it's not known as made of multiple parts by BO or by BL! So I can't really list it as made of parts either.
    I would prefer that the DesignIDs take preference in their own cells. If there is more than one DesignID I would like them to be in order. For 3001 there are also 3 other DesignIDs. Knowing this might help to show that there are gaps for a reason. For instance if no unique part shows for 15589, I'll know that it probably really is a redesign of the classic 2x4 brick.
    I'm not quite following what you would like to do with the remaining DesignIDs... I only listed the most standard DesignID in the file, like in your examples.
    Year first produced would be super awesome as well. Except for 3001 BO says it was available starting 1979. Bollocks! Maybe 3001 was finally -assigned- in 1979. This part has been around in some form or another since what, 1956?
    The part could exist since the 50s, but the existing databases don't think it's the same part! :) BrickOwl doesn't list the DesignID 3001 for the BOID 39226 (old 2 x4). Instead, it's listed as an "Obsolete Design ID"... and my hybrid database doesn't currently store these "obsolete IDs".
    So here's a sample of what I am looking for:
    3001, Brick 2x4, 32, 16, 9.6, 771344, year
    Current format is (tab-separated):
    DesignID BoName Length Width Height Weight BOID StartYear EndYear
    3001 Brick 2 x 4 16 32 11 2.320 771344 1980 2015

    I'll send a link to the current file in private, just in case I'm not supposed to make that fully public. I can easily change the format or the information, but it remains limited to what BrickOwl, BrickLink and BrickSet know.
    How could I compensate you for this effort?
    It's really no effort at all. If you want, look into perhaps placing an order in RobErNat's store, I heard he could use some extra funds. :)
  • I only listed the most standard DesignID in the file, like in your examples.
    I just realized your examples did list all DesignIDs on separate lines! The file was updated to match, listing all DesignIDs.
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