Addition of "Next Order" and "Previous Order" buttons on view order page

When picking orders, and particularly when adding tracking numbers it's time consuming to have to go back to the "Outstanding Orders" page to go from one order to the next. The addition of "Next Order" and "Previous Order" buttons on the individual view order page would allow us to go from one order to another faster and with fewer page loads.

Would anyone else be helped by this feature?

- John


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I pretty much always open pages in new tabs, especially from a page I'll want to go back to, like the list of orders.

    I believe middle-click is universal to open links in new tabs.
  • I would find this useful. More than that I think it would be great if we could add tracking numbers from the outstanding orders page like we can on BL. Some orders I add the tracking number as soon as I print the label. Others I will add later when I go to ship. It would be very nice not to have to open every order to make sure I don't miss any numbers.
  • This is an excellent idea. I voted for it!
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