My name is Chris and I'm from Canada. I'm just about to open my store, BRICK STOP and I'm pretty excitted about it all.
It's been a work in progress, but I'm happy with the results. Thanks to Brick Owl and everyone here for creating a welcoming atmosphere. I chose Brick Owl for obvious reasons...It's a great community and a clean, easy to use interface. For now I'll stick to Brick Owl and see where it goes from here.
I would like to thank everyone for posting helpfull advise and making this as smooth as possible.
Please check out the store. I am not above constrtuctive critisim and would love any feedback you guys can offer.
I love Lego! That's it, that's all.
"The red stop sign and red header reminded me of when a store is put under quarantine on another selling site."
Maybe changing the color of the banner would be a little less scary.
Other than that the store pages are nicely done.
From the US the only option to purchase is to request a quote without much idea up front of what the cost would be so I would probably not bother unless I was going to buy a specific items.
I really like seeing that page. I like knowing what I'm going to pay for shipping before filling up a cart, and I suspect many other experienced buyers feel the same way.
I'm actually annoyed whenever browsing a store that has removed that default page... or stripped out the raw shipping table information.
I'm not sure I understand the second paragraph. I didn't add any bands because I don't want to over charge anyone. Are you saying US customers have no other option anyway?
I really do appreciate the input.
I have only shared the international Small Packet ones, you could check this page for the rest:
The volumes available for Oversized Mail and Light Packet have been adjusted to avoid having to play Tetris too much while packing orders.
Good stuff though. Thanks for the help.
@DagsBricks I have stumbled across your guide before, but I don't have a Kindle. So I just downloaded an App for my phone, and should be ready to check it out soon. Could be the best investment I've made in a long time.