Blog issues

I've recently started making use of BO's blog system. I know this isn't exactly a primary part of the site but there are a couple of peculiarities which I think need some attention.

First of all, the Blog page on the dashboard doesn't seem to have a logical order for blog posts. It's almost sorted by date but then I have at least one that's out of date order.

Secondly, the WYSIWYG text area on the 'add blog' page doesn't work in Microsoft Edge. It never worked all that great in IE either, at least the same text area didn't work well on the Pages tab. You can type in it but when submitting the page you get an error saying that no content was entered. Placing images is problematic using the dialog box that pops up. Works fine in Chrome however.

One other thing, though this might be intended, the {{block type="blog" limit="2"}} short-code states "A preview of your stores blog posts" but what it actually does is display the blog posts in full. In my opinion this would be far more useful if it simply generated a list of links to the blog posts, retaining the ability to limit the number displayed, perhaps with the date the posts were added as well.


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