Selling Guide Ebook is live!

It's finally done! Thanks so much for all the feedback in the form of my initial survey, the cover photo, etc. I've been able to put together a tome that I feel is very well rounded and in-depth. Not only that but I intend to keep the book updated. You can also become part of the email list to get the latest updates or read my blog posts which the book links to. The blog posts will be easier to keep updated for everyone than the book, so the more volatile information resides there.

Anyway I appreciate all the feedback and support I've received. I've got the book priced at an introductory rate right now. I had planned to make it much more since there are tips that you can use over and over which will pay for the book each time.

If you have a Prime account I would love it if you could cue the book and leave me an honest review. I read every one and they all help to make future editions better. If you don't have a Prime account and aren't willing to spend the money that's fine but a backlink, forward, re-tweet, etc. would be much appreciated.

Oh, and you don't need a Kindle device to read it. You can easily read it on your PC or phone with the appropriate app.

Happy reading!

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