Minifigures missing a part

If you have a minifigure but it is missing a part, is it OK to list it as a minifigure for sale with a public note saying that the part is missing or does it have to be sold as just parts?

I'm specifically thinking of a minifigure that is missing a cape when he should have one, but I guess in general it could happen with any body part too - so missing headgear or legs, etc.


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • @CastleBricks
    this is something that can be discussed endlesly (and has been).
    My point of view as a seller: I don't consider a fig with missing items THAT fig, so the chances you'll find one in my store with a description 'missing this or that' is virtually zero.

    my point of view as a buyer: if the price is right and the missing items are properly described and it fits my needs and I can manage to adjust: why not... But I do realise that if I buy such a fig, it messes up the Price Guide...

    Now tell me, if I you have 70% of the LEGO Taj Mahal set, will you list it as a set being THE Taj Mahal, but with 30% of missing parts? Or will you list the loose parts....
  • So is there a rule that says cannot? I couldn't find one, but wanted to check first.
  • I gave you my personal opinion as a buyer and seller, I did not refer to any 'rules', currently there are none in such regards (afaik), so no harm I suppose ;-)
  • It seems to be allowed on bricklink or at least many people do it and I have a few such figures there. But when I used bricksync to copy inventory it obviously copies the incomplete figures too. So I manually deleted them just in case and I was wondering if I need to permanently exclude them from being copied. So in future I'll leave them in until I get into trouble.
  • edited October 2015 Vote Up0Vote Down
    For minifigures they should only listed if they are complete, otherwise it's annoying for people with Wishlists to get notified but its not the correct figure, and it's unfair on the catalog.
  • When it comes to minifigs, one person's new is another person's old. Some (like me) only consider a minifig to be new if it's unassembled, but most people don't really care. Regards collectable minifigs, some sellers list as new (sealed) and then add a note saying "opened to check contents" - well, how is it new (sealed) then?
  • What about the opposite? Adding a gun or an accessories to the minifig?
  • edited October 2015 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Glad to hear your stand matches what the vast majority of people consider to be 'a minifig'.
    Can this somehow be confirmed by creating a helppage in regards to 'items listing' policy, besides the policy for new/used?
    Also, is it an option to embed the possibility to list 'complete' and 'incomplete' minfigs, like is done with sets? It is something the community has asked for on BL for many years, maybe BO can be the first to actually offer this option :-)

    By doing so, it wouldn't influence the Price guide for complete figs, still leave the option open to sell/buy incomplete ones (which can be very interesting, I can assure you) and maybe with the option for the whislist part for buyers to chose between 'only complete', or 'complete and incomplete' e-mails (dunno whether this is the case for sets at the moment, but might be a nice 'add in' in general).

  • OK, so I will have to exclude them when I sync inventories from bricklink. ItIf it is a rule, then it would be good to have it as an enforced rule as I have noticed a few sellers doing it here.
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